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Quote from Eleanor in Michael's Gambit

Eleanor: Holy motherforking shirtballs.
Chidi: What?
Eleanor: Wow! [laughing] Okay, okay. Uh, whoo! Yo, Mikey! Shawn! Come on out! [screen doors open]
Michael: Is everything okay?
Eleanor: Right as rain, Mikey my boy. So, Chidi and I are gonna go to the Bad Place.
Chidi: What?
Eleanor: Trust me, I've got this. That's our decision. Let's hit it.
Michael: Well, what about Real Eleanor?
Eleanor: No, it's me and Chidi. Call the train.
Shawn: Point of order. I don't accept this offer. The real mistakes were Jason and Eleanor.
Eleanor: Gah, gah, gah, gah! You said any two of us. It's me and Chidi. Let's do it to it.

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