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Quote from Janet in Chidi's Choice

Janet: Jason, when I was rebooted, and I lost all my knowledge, I was confused and disoriented, but you were always kind to me. And according to the central theme of 231,600 songs, movies, poems, and novels that I researched for these vows in the last three seconds, that's what love's all about. Does anybody here object to this marriage?
Eleanor: Of course we do... how could not object?
Tahani: Yes, it is a terrible idea.
Janet: Overruled. Jason?
Jason: Mm-hmm?
Janet: Do you want me to be your wife?
Jason: Yeah.
Janet: I want you to be my husband.
Jason: Tight.
Janet: So, by the power vested in me, by me, I now pronounce us husband and wife.
Jason: We did it! [laughs] Can I kiss you, or will I be electrocuted?

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