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Quote from Eleanor in Tahani Al-Jamil

Eleanor: Good people make me insecure. When I'm around someone who I think is better than me, I try and drag them down to my level. That's why perfect Tahani is like my kryptonite.
Chidi: Well, even admitting that is an important step. And also, maybe don't listen to me.
Eleanor: I would love not to listen to you. Wait, what?
Chidi: Basically, my life's work is 3,600 pages of garbage. Even Michael couldn't understand it.
Eleanor: So? What does Michael know?
Chidi: Everything. That's my point. He knows everything, and it was too convoluted, even for him.
Eleanor: Michael does not know everything. Michael does not know I'm not supposed to be here. You wrote 4,000 pages on one of the most complicated subjects in the world. I mean I used to get bored halfway through writing a text message. Be proud.

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