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Quote from Chidi in Everything is Fine

Eleanor: Okay, okay. We don't know this is because of me.
Chidi: Eleanor, this place is a perfectly made Swiss watch, and you are a wrench in the gears. Actually, you're a hammer, just smashing the gears into dust.
Eleanor: Oh, hang on. Not everybody here is perfect, okay? Tahani is totally condescending. And there are a couple of, you know, chunksters.
Chidi: Oh, come on!
Eleanor: No judgment. I'm just saying I'm not the only one with flaws. So how can we be sure this is my fault?
Chidi: You hogged all the shrimp, and now there are shrimp flying around. You called Tahani a giraffe, and now there are giraffes everywhere.
Eleanor: Okay, fine, turns out there are many ways to know that it was me.

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