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Quote from Chidi in The Brainy Bunch

Eleanor: Are you OK?
Chidi: Sorry, uh, literally one second ago I was at the front desk. Uh, don't know where I got this. Anyway, are you coming to class?
Eleanor: [sighs] I just don't think the group thing is for me. I'm better when it's one-on-one and we're both looking at our phones and I don't know the other person and we don't talk. I might just head back to Arizona.
Chidi: L-listen. My whole life has been a... a torture chamber of indecision and now I'm finally on the path to understanding why and the only reason that's happening is because you walked into my office, and you said you wanted to be a better person. That was really brave. Now, I know we barely know each other but... please could you give me three months? Can you give me three months? I am asking you as a friend.
Eleanor: See, I just told you I don't like talking. That whole thing could have been sent in a text that I pretended I never saw. [sighs] Fine. You did good at talking. I'll come back to class. Come in. No?
Eleanor: I'm gonna drive you back.

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