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Quote from Jason in Everything is Bonzer!

Jason: And if you can't promise me that you'll give this dance crew everything that you've got, then you can walk out that door. Right now.
Donkey Doug: Yeah, okay. I'm out.
Jason: What? Come on, Donkey Doug. After all we've been through?
Donkey Doug: Listen, you know you're my boy, but this sounds like a lot of work. Good luck.
Both: [shake hands] Pew, pew.
Donkey Doug: Donkey Doug out!
Li'l Peanut: Damn, that's a tough blow. But now that those guys are no longer members of our crew, we can legally rob their houses.
Jason: No, Little Peanut. We're going to do this the right way. No more crime, and if you don't like that, you can walk out that door. Right now. [a large number of people walk out] What? Co... Oh, come on... We still got like 35 people, so let's get to work.

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