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Quote from Michael in Derek

Michael: Things are falling apart here. Chidi... I understand the ethics involved, but we need to stop that wedding. We break up Jason and Tahani. Janet stops being sad. Derek goes away.
Chidi: Fine, but... [Michael and Eleanor groan] There is something called the Doctrine of Double Effect. In order to remain ethical, you can't just go into this with the intention of killing Derek. Your only goal has to be to spare Jason and Tahani from future pain by filling them in on Jason's past.
Michael: No, I got you, I got you. So, it's like... ethically we should tell Jason that he used to be married to Janet, and it sure would be terrible if that ultimately led to Derek's death, wink.
Chidi: No, the winking is bad. You should not be winking or saying the word "wink."
Michael: Okay. We really need to kill... We really need to kill any suspicion that I want to murder Derek. Boom!
Eleanor: Wink.

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