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Quote from Michael in Michael's Gambit

Shawn: What makes you think that you can get them to do this?
Michael: Because they won't even know that they are doing it. I'm going to make them think that they are in the Good Place, and to make sure that they drive each other insane, I will be there, posing as a Good Place architect. I even stole a Good Place Janet we can use. Look, we can just send them all to the hot spike pits with the lava and the bees and the lightning that tears off their flesh. Let's try something new. I cannot predict everything that's gonna happen, but we'll improvise. We'll... we'll be on our toes. I think that we can get them to torture each other... for 1,000 years.
Shawn: I think you'd be lucky to get six months out of this insane gambit. But take me through it. How would this work, exactly?
Michael: Oh. Yes, all right, so... [clears throat] This is a 14 million-point plan.
Fire Monster: Um... oh, sorry. I thought we reserved the conference room.
Michael: No, Todd, we have it until 3:00.

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