Rose Quote #562

Quote from Rose in Sophia's Wedding

Rose: Boy, making pizza really brings back a flood of childhood memories.
Dorothy: Make a lot of pizza as a kid?
Rose: No. My favorite uncle, Uncle Gunther, used to sprinkle Parmesan cheese on his hair.
Blanche: Why would he do that?
Rose: He said it was the perfect compliment to the croutons he'd taped to his eyebrows. He had a Caesar complex. Salad, not Julius.


 ‘Sophia's Wedding’ Quotes

Quote from Rose

Rose: My Charlie asked me to marry him ten minutes after we met. Course, we were only seven at the time. My mother was so cute when I told her. She said, "Rose, honey, you're just a little girl. You have your entire life before you, and the whole world to see. Now, you wait until you grow up and get sophisticated, and marry at 15 like your sisters."
Blanche: But you didn't.
Rose: No, I was always kind of the gypsy of the family. The rebel. I wanted to see the world. That's why after high school, I went to St. Gustave University to study Latin.
Dorothy: I didn't know you studied Latin.
Rose: First in my class, Orothyday.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Well, what do you think?
Blanche: Sophia, that looks beautiful. It's absolutely gorgeous.
Rose: Don't you have to be a virgin to wear a white wedding dress?
Sophia: Please! The last time I was a virgin, the Louisiana Purchase was still in escrow.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma! Oh, my God!
Blanche: Dorothy, what is it?
Rose: What, honey?
Blanche: Oh! Good Lord.
Dorothy: Ma, what is going on here?
Sophia: Afterglow.