Blanche Quote #156

Quote from Blanche in The Flu

Rose: Well, I guess that settles it. I guess I won the award. I'm gonna go to that banquet. I'm gonna call my date.
Blanche: Honey, if you can get a date the way you look, you deserve that award.


 ‘The Flu’ Quotes

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: You don't have to worry about me. I never get sick. I take very good care of myself. I treat my body like a temple.
Sophia: Yeah, open to everyone, day or night.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: In Sicily, we never went to the doctor. We went to the Widow Caravelle. Whatever you had, she had a cure. She was best known for this green salve she used to make to treat ear infections. One day, she gave a batch to Salvadore, the village idiot. He misunderstood the directions and put it on his linguine instead of in his ear.
Dorothy: I guess if you're an idiot with a hearing problem, you do things like that.
Sophia: As it turns out, it wasn't such a bad thing to do. The stuff tasted great and Salvadore decided to market it. At first, it didn't move so well. Linguine With Ear Salve on a menu doesn't look too appetizing. But once he changed the name to pesto sauce, it moved like hotcakes.
Dorothy: Ma, you're making this up!
Sophia: So what? I'm old, I'm supposed to be colorful.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Girls, I did it! I finally broke down and bought that dress I've been eyeing for a month.
Dorothy: I thought you were gonna wear the silk one you wore to last year's banquet.
Blanche: I changed my mind. I decided too many people would recognize it. It is such a stunning shade of green.
Sophia: The only thing they'll remember is the way you fall out of it.
Blanche: Oh, Sophia!
Sophia: If you asked people the color, half of them would say flesh-tone.