Sophia Quote #1009

Quote from Sophia in Scared Straight

Sophia: [sighs] [sighs] Hey! You're not even gonna ask what's wrong?
Dorothy: What's wrong, Ma?
Sophia: I got three days to live.
Dorothy: Fine, Ma. I'll scratch the Bengay off the grocery list.
Sophia: I can't believe you're so insensitive.
Dorothy: Ma, you are not dying.
Sophia: I am, Dorothy. I had a dream last night, a death dream. Your father spoke to me.
Dorothy: Spoke to you? How?
Sophia: Do I look like Rich Little? Just listen. I'm sitting in the living room, and the clock strikes 9:00. Then the bell rings. It's your father in his fedora. He always wore a fedora on Saturday. He walks towards me, reaches out his hand and says, "Sophia, you can come now. There's room for you now."
Dorothy: That's it?
Sophia: You want him to show up with Barbara Eden and the college all-American football team? It's a dream, not a Bob Hope special.


 ‘Scared Straight’ Quotes

Quote from Blanche

Waiter: So what can I bring you, sweetheart?
Blanche: Don't you dare talk to him like that. Now, you get out of here.
Clayton: Blanche, I think he was talking to you.
Blanche: Oh. Oh.

Quote from Blanche

Clayton: Blanche, I spent a long time lying to myself. It felt a lot better when I stopped. It feels better being honest with you, too, and I'd hate to think that this is gonna keep us from being friends.
Blanche: Well, honey, of course it isn't. Oh, no. I'll get used to this. I will. Well, look at me already. I'm practically comfortable seeing you here in a gay bar.
Clayton: Blanche, this isn't a gay bar.
Blanche: Clay, now, we did say we were gonna be honest with each other. All right, now, I can do my part. You just watch this. You all, over at the bar. I just want to say that I would be very proud to have any one of you date my brother.
Man: I'd rather date you, lady.
Blanche: Sweet Jesus, I've just done the impossible. I've converted one.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: I was never any good at blind dating. I always felt so awkward.
Blanche: Oh, Dorothy, I have a surefire icebreaker I can teach you right now. Oh, once you learn this any man is putty in your hands.
Dorothy: Oh, Blanche, come on. That is ridiculous. I mean, I'm certainly not gonna waste my time listening to this adolescent nonsense. Did you say putty?
Blanche: Ha ha ha ha. Sit back. Now, just play like we're at the movies. OK. First I start to yawn a little. Then I put my hands up over my head like this...
Dorothy: Oh, Blanche, I know that one. You end up with your arm around me.
Blanche: Yeah, but that's just the first part. Did you know that if you blow right on the tip of a man's earlobe, it can drive him absolutely crazy? I'll show you.
Sophia: I'm gonna be dead in 24 hours. Couldn't you stay in the closet for one more day?