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Quote from Blanche in Wham, Bam, Thank You, Mammy!

Blanche: Anyway, Mammy says she's gonna be in town in a few days, and she wants to see me.
Rose: You don't sound very happy about it. Didn't you like her?
Blanche: Oh, I adored her. She was like another mother to me. In fact, she was the only friend I had. I was a lonely child. My sisters refused to play with me because I was so beautiful. Do you know what that's like? No, course you don't. I loved her, and I thought she loved me. And then one day, when I was ten years old, she left. No goodbyes, no explanation. Just disappeared. I was devastated. We Southerners don't forget things like that.
Dorothy: It's true. Possum is brain food.

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