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Quote from Sophia in Yes, We Have No Havanas

Sophia: Hold it. Stay where you are. Father, if you don't mind my saying so, I think you lost control of the room. Excuse me. The man in that box was a bum. A scoundrel, a cheat and a liar.
Woman: You got that right.
Sophia: Quiet. I work alone. But there was another side to him, and it was beautiful. He awakened feelings in me I haven't felt in 35 years. We used to hug and kiss and hold hands, and it was nice. He made me feel attractive and desirable again. He probably made the rest of you feel that way too. And looking out at this kennel club, that was no small accomplishment. You may all hate Fidel right now, but I know the next time I'm sitting in the park on a warm sunny day, and I smell the aroma of a cheap cigar I'll think of Fidel Santiago and I'll smile.

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