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Quote from Rose in Mother's Day

Rose: Are you sure you shouldn't call your daughter?
Anna: Mother's Day isn't until tomorrow. She knows I'll be there. I always am.
Rose: Still, she must be worried by now.
Anna: Rose, my daughter's dead. She passed away some time ago. I go to the cemetery on Mother's Day. It was always such a special day for the two of us. I like to pretend it still is. Only problem is, this year I don't think I'm going to make it.
Rose: What's the matter? Aren't you feeling well?
Anna: I ran away from the home, and I think they're just about to catch up with me.
Police Officer: Are you Anna Eggerman? Anna, they're worried about you back at the home. I'm afraid you're gonna have to come with me.
Jacob: [over p.a.] Attention! Express to Cedar Grove, River Junction, Northern Falls, now boarding!
Police Officer: For cryin' out loud, Jacob. There's three people here. You could've just pointed to the door.
Rose: Sheriff, I'm afraid there's been some mistake. This woman's my mother.
Police Officer: But I have a telex here that says-
Rose: I don't care what it says on that paper. She's my mother, and we're just on our way home together. So if you'll kindly excuse us, we have a bus to catch. Come on, Mama.
Anna: Thank you, Rose.
Rose: Happy Mother's Day.

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