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Quote from Dorothy in A Piece of Cake

Mr. Ha Ha: Are you Dorothy Zbornak?
Dorothy: That's right.
Mr. Ha Ha: Get up on stage, Dorothy!
Dorothy: Get bent, Ha Ha!
Mr. Ha Ha: Come on, kids. Let's give Dorothy a great big Ha Ha cheer!
Children: Ha Ha!
Mr. Ha Ha: Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! [applause] Well, it says here on my Ha Ha birthday list that Bobby is seven, Jeannie is nine, and Dorothy is...
Dorothy: I'll punch your heart out, Ha Ha.
Mr. Ha Ha: Dorothy is the oldest! And, as the oldest, you get to lead the birthday parade! Here is your parade leader's hat. Mr. Music, if you please.
Dorothy: Don't prolong this. I know what car you drive, Ha Ha.

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