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Quote from Sophia in The Sisters

Sophia: OK, Blanche, I give up. Come on, Rose, let's go shopping. Listen, Rose, I'm sorry you got stuck shopping with me. I realize Dorothy is forcing you.
Rose: No, she isn't.
Sophia: Yes, she is. She always makes you do her dirty work. She always takes terrible advantage of you, Rose.
Rose: We should go.
Sophia: Wait. Listen. When we go to the movies, who always stands in line for the popcorn?
Rose: I do.
Sophia: When we vacuum who always lifts up furniture?
Rose: I do.
Sophia: When we clean the kitchen, who always mops?
Rose: Dorothy.
Sophia: Who cleans the mop?
Rose: I do.
Sophia: She takes advantage, Rose, and it's time you stood up to her. And there's no time like the present. And speaking of presents-
Dorothy: Rose, what are you doing here? I thought I asked you to take Ma shopping.
Rose: You can take your mop and put it where herring don't swim.

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