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Quote from Blanche in Joust Between Friends

Mr. Allen: Dorothy, I've got the... thing I want you to look over.
Dorothy: Oh, the thing. Fine. I'll look at it later. So, Blanche, where would you like to have lunch?
Blanche: How about that new pizza place on the corner?
Dorothy: Great.
Blanche: Dorothy.
Dorothy: Yes, Blanche?
Blanche: What was that thing Mr Allen just gave you?
Dorothy: What thing?
Blanche: That thing you just put in your drawer.
Dorothy: Oh, that thing. It's nothing, believe me.
Blanche: If it's nothing, let me see it.
Dorothy: You know something, I am really hungry. What do you say we go out and get that pizza now.
Blanche: It's 9.15. I don't want a pizza, I want to see that thing.

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