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Quote from Rose in Blanche and the Younger Man

Rose: Mother, am I really making you miserable?
Mrs. Lindstrom: Yes, you are. I know you don't mean to, but you are.
Rose: Oh, I'm sorry. I- Won't you stay and give me another chance?
Mrs. Lindstrom: I don't know, Rosie.
Rose: I know I drive you crazy, but it's just because I love you so much. You know, after Daddy died, I just thought I'd never get over it. And Charlie, well, there's not a day goes by that I don't think about him. And now that you're getting older, I'm afraid I'm gonna lose you, too. That's why I fuss over you so much.
Mrs. Lindstrom: I understand, Rosie, but stopping me from living isn't going to stop me from dying.
Rose: Oh, I can't stand to think about it!
Mrs. Lindstrom: Well, then, don't. Let's just enjoy what we have.

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