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Quote from Blanche in Ro$e Love$ Mile$

Blanche: Three, "Make amends with Guido Spirelli." Who's Guido Spirelli?
Sophia: Guido Spirelli was my first husband in Sicily. It was an arranged marriage I had annulled. I left him a broken man. And I vowed one day I would make amends.
Blanche: You know, Sophia, finding this list was a sign. You must make things right with that man. Now, go to your room and write him a long letter. Make your words thorough, honey. Make them fearless. Don't stop till you have said everything. Take two or three days if you have to.
Sophia: Thank you, Blanche. You're a good friend.
Blanche: Oh, I just wish Sophia were my mother. Then I could put her in Shady Pines.

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