Beverly Quote #1737

Quote from Beverly in A Flyer's Path to Victory

Vic: Beverly, I told you he'd be unreasonable.
Beverly: Relax, Vic. We're on to plan B. Would you please pass this casserole along to the team for me?
General Manager: It seems like you want the Flyers to lose, so you're gonna poison our players?
Beverly: He's onto us.
Vic: [eats casserole] Wait, what?
Beverly: Vic, you're not supposed to eat the casserole.
Vic: I'm not making good choices this year.
General Manager: Please leave.
Beverly: Thank you for your time.


 ‘A Flyer's Path to Victory’ Quotes

Quote from Barry

Barry: Now, we come to Adam. Sweet, precious Adam. No water! [cup clatters]
Adam: That was your water.
Barry: It was for dramatic effect. You will not allow nature's tears to touch your lips for the entirety of the Flyers playoff run.
Adam: And why, exactly?
Barry: Last Tuesday, you took a sip and Rick Tocchet got a two-minute penalty for slashing. You were also breathing, but I'm not unreasonable.
Adam: I'm definitely gonna drink water.
Barry: Thought you might say that. [hands Adam a Polaroid]
Adam: Is this you holding up a knife to Optimus Prime?
Barry: And you'll never see him again unless you do what I say.
Adam: It's like five bucks. I'll get a new one.
Barry: Well, can you replace all your Transformers? [holds up multiple Polaroids]
Adam: My babies! Fine! I'll drink soda all day, every day! Ya happy?!

Quote from Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Back in the '80s, nothing was more important to my brother than Flyers hockey. When they made it to the Stanley Cup Finals, he knew exactly who to thank... himself.
Barry: Because of my hard work and unwavering dedication to the Flyers, they are now on the precipice of becoming world champions.
Pop-Pop: Your hard work?
Barry: Who else has suited up for every game in their quasi-officially sanctioned T-shirt, stretched, ready to go, with two orange popsicles in a bowl, always to the side?
Adam: I've seen this in sports films. Superstitious nutballs think they somehow control the outcome of the game, so they repeat the behavior in hopes of another win.
Barry: Well, in my very special case, it works.
Adam: No one believes that.
Beverly: Yes, my baby helped the Flyers win. I'm as proud as the mothers of the players I will be sitting with during the victory parade.

Quote from Beverly

Barry: In addition to all I will do to help the Flyers win, here's what you will do. Since the beginning of the season, I've been tracking all your behaviors during games to see if they help or hurt the Flyers.
Adam: You've been watching us?
Beverly: I watch you all, too. It's not weird. Go on, Barry.
Barry: Mom, let's start with you.
Beverly: Ah, I'm number one on your list and in your heart.
Barry: For the last seven victories, you served us food that was black and/or orange.
Beverly: The colors of your team.
Adam: And construction signs and monarch butterflies and Garfield. It's all random nonsense.
Barry: Thus, everything we consume from here-to-forth must be black or orange.
Beverly: For my superstitious Schmoo, I'll make it happen. Oh! I'm part of his life. Ha!