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Quote from Mr. Glascott in Push It

Beverly: This is insane. I've never overstepped in his romantic life.
Mr. Glascott: Uh...
Beverly: If anything, I've made his relationships better.
Mr. Glascott: [higher-pitched] Uh...
Beverly: Instead of yelling at me, he should be drowning me in kisses.
Mr. Glascott: [higher-pitched] Uh...
Beverly: Alright. Enough with the musical scale. Just use your words.
Mr. Glascott: Even as the most casual observer of young Adam's dating life, you've been... How do I put this gently?
Virginia Kremp: A love-squeezing anaconda snuffing out his last breath of happiness?
Mr. Glascott: I was in the area of a bulldozer of carnage driven by Satan in a hard hat. It's playful and evocative.

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