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Quote from Beverly in Flowers for Barry

Erica: So, how's the dating life?
Beverly: Oh, so good. Joe and I are so connected. [chuckles] [sits down; groans] Oh, my God, the pain! Hiking sucks. [bleep] [grunts] [sighs] We might be soul mates.
Erica: Adam, you want to help me with this?
Adam: I'm a "slow down to watch the car crash" kind of guy. I like where this is headed.
Beverly: There will be no crash, Schmoo, because I have a plan.
Erica: Hmm. This should be good.
Beverly: See, after I fell down the mountain, we cut our hike short. So all I need to do is repeatedly fall down on purpose for the next few years, until he gives up being a boring person with boring hobbies and a boring face.
Erica: Well, your relationship certainly sounds healthy, and it's totally gonna work out.

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