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Quote from Barry in A Flyer's Path to Victory

Barry: Okay, we're gonna do the exact opposite of everything we've done. Mom, I'm gonna need you to make a boatload of blue food.
Beverly: I'm on it.
Barry: Pop-Pop, you can now set up right in front of the TV.
Pop-Pop: Don't move... my favorite thing to do.
Barry: Adam, you can now drink water and change your underwear.
Adam: I think I speak for everyone in this room when I say I already did.
Barry: And, Vic, since today is opposite day, I have something to say to you as an Oilers fan. I respect you as a man.
Vic: Okay, this part seems unnecessary.
Barry: Finally, there's one more thing.
[All gasp as Barry unzips his jacket to reveal an Oilers sweater]
Barry: It burns my skin, but it's for my family!

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