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Quote from Beverly in A Flyer's Path to Victory

Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, and no matter the outcome, Barry couldn't win. But my mom refused to go down without a fight.
Beverly: You were right. I should have been honest with you. You are definitely old enough to handle it.
Barry: Damn right I am.
Beverly: It's just I kinda don't want you to be. You're all adults now, which means you don't need me to protect you from the world.
Barry: Mom. Look at me. We don't need you.
Beverly: I saw that going a different way.
Barry: We don't need you as much. But you're still our mom, and we'll always need you a little. Just not the whole ginormous you.
Beverly: Thank you. And no matter what happens with the game, you got the Flyers three victories in the Stanley Cup Finals.
Barry: You really think I did that?
Beverly: Of course you did. You're magical, Barry Goldberg. [chuckles] [hugs Barry]

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