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Quote from Erica in A Flyer's Path to Victory

Adult Adam: [v.o.] And while there was plenty to celebrate, things at the Schwartzes were not so festive.
Geoff: Erica, what are you doing here?
Erica: Well, I thought I'd drop Muriel off to hang out with her grandparents.
Linda Schwartz: Well, neither one of us are really moving around that well at this moment.
Geoff: Yeah, I think my parents really need a day on the couch.
Erica: Sounds good to me. And Muriel.
Geoff: Really?
Erica: I know few grandparents have the energy of my mom, and I also know that Muriel is very lucky to have the two of you because of how much you love her.
Linda Schwartz: [sighs] We do love her.
Lou Schwartz: To the moon and back.

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