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Quote from Barry in A Flyer's Path to Victory

Barry: How bad is it?
Beverly: It's not bad. Just a... a teensy-tiny smidge of a bother.
Barry: Vic, how bad?
Vic: Interesting question. [turns around and walks out] [Barry sighs]
Beverly: Okay, here it is. If the Flyers win tomorrow, we will definitely lose our house and everything in it.
Barry: Well, this is quite disappointing.
Beverly: I know you want your team to win.
Barry: No, the idea that you couldn't tell me. Do you really think I'm such a child I couldn't handle it?
Beverly: I mean, you do tend to be emotionally... gifted.
Barry: I may care deeply about the Flyers, but believe it or not, I care about my family more.
Beverly: Barry...
Barry: Don't. I'll be upstairs, not watching the game I love.

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