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Quote from Beverly in Two-Timing Goldbergs

Beverly: [gasps] Ginzy!
Virginia Kremp: Hm?
Beverly: That Carmen is here, and she's with another man!
Virginia Kremp: [gasps] Really?
Beverly: Okay, here's what we're gonna do...
Virginia Kremp: Assume the best and mind our own business?
Beverly: You're gonna work your way over to their table. Be invisible and totally forgettable... [gasps] just like that! Yes! [breathes sharply] You're gonna spy on them and write down everything they say.
Virginia Kremp: Beverly, part of the reason that I asked you for coffee today is I wanted to say that I no longer want to be roped into Goldbergs hijinks and shenanigans.
Beverly: Go-go-go-go-go-go-go!

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