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Quote from Geoff in Two-Timing Goldbergs

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Across town, Geoff was looking for evidence of two-timing of his own.
Geoff: Oh, weird. Look who it is!
Erica: Geoffrey Olivia Schwartz, did you use putting our baby to sleep as a way to get me to spy on Barry?
Geoff: I know something's going on! I can just feel it! Look, he's stopping at that cheesesteak place. You know Lainey loves cheesesteaks.
Erica: This is dumb.
Geoff: I brought my birding binoculars.
Erica: And it gets dumber.
Geoff: Look! He's getting two cheesesteaks! We have to follow that cheese.
Erica: Should we have disguises, too?
Geoff: Way ahead of you. Let my mom's gardening hats and my dad's cataract shades camouflage us!
Erica: Our marriage is weird.

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