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Quote from Beverly in Two-Timing Goldbergs

Beverly: [laughs] Excuse me. I just accidentally bumped into you and started this conversation.
Trent: I... I just gotta get to the men's room.
Beverly: [laughs] You're funny, and I've disarmed you by giving you a compliment. Now, is that your sister you're with?
Trent: What? Oh, uh, no.
Beverly: Cousin? Landlord? Some woman you found confused on the street, and you're buying her coffee?
Trent: What? We're on a date, if you must know.
Beverly: Oh, you mean like a platonic work date with no feelings?
Trent: Uh, a date date.
Beverly: That two-timing hussy!
Trent: I'm so confused right now.
Beverly: Well, nobody cares. Just... get...
Adult Adam: As my mom raced off to stop me from my grand gesture...
Beverly: I will protect my baby!

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