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Quote from Adam in Two-Timing Goldbergs

Carmen: Adam?
[Adam stops the boom box from playing "The Wheels on the Bus"]
Adam: Hey! [chuckles] I was just wandering through your neighborhood, and I'd like to make clear... walking, not running, and absolutely not in the rain.
Carmen: What's with the step stool?
Adam: See, normally when I'm dating someone, I'll scale a trellis to their bedroom window. But as we are both being casual, thought it seemed a little much. So instead, I brought a step stool to chat with you near your toilet.
Carmen: Wanna explain the boombox?
Adam: Usually that'd be playing a Peter Gabriel ballad, but since we're in a non-exclusive, super-laid-back thing, I'm playing "The Wheels on the Bus."
Carmen: So you came to my window with a step stool and a boombox to profess your [chuckling] ability to be in a casual relationship? Adam...
Adam: [sighs] Yeah, it's not great. [sighs] The truth is, I'm not built for a casual relationship. I like you... a lot. And I don't want to play it cool or see other people. I want to jump in, cast caution to the wind, and see where we land. It's just who I am. [breathing quickly] Sorry I made it weird. Unfortunately, that's also who I am.

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