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Quote from Barry in Moms Need Other Moms

Barry: Exactly. You guys all hate it, too. I mean, look at this pathetic puppet. Hearts don't have eyes.
Adam: You were looking for a realistic heart?
Barry: And the lady liver has a nose. Does she smell or regulate chemical levels and excrete bile?
Adam: Is that a science question? Because I don't even know where the sun goes at night.
Andy: You should probably know that.
Barry: And where is the song about the toe fungus, or the cluster migraine, or the monologue by a charred lung of a lifelong smoker?
Andy: Do kids even need to know that stuff?
Matt: Do I?
Naked Rob: Isn't this just about getting your money so you can move out?
Barry: As an almost doctor, I demand perfection. Throw it all out. Start all over.

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