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Quote from Adam in Worst Grinch Ever

Adult Adam: [v.o.] And Kirk did get something else my secret present for Brea.
Adam: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! That's not meant for-
Kirk: Whoa. It's a necklace. Brea, help me get this tasteful bad boy on.
Barry: Not a lot of guys can pull off a necklace, but leave it to Kirk.
Brea: It looks like a locket.
Adam: Nope. Definitely not a locket.
Kirk: Oh, Brea, it's you and... Adam.
Brea: What?
Carol Singers: Yeah, same. What?
Adam: So weird! Who brought this incredibly intimate gift?
Matt: It's clearly you.
Naked Rob: Scandalous.
Andy: I have a Discman.

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