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Quote from Beverly in DKNY

Adult Adam: [v.o.] And so Geoff took Erica's dismissive advice and found a time to be with his daughter alone: 4:00a.m. [Beverly clears throat]
Geoff: Gah!
Beverly: Looking for someone?
Geoff: Why are you up at this hour?
Beverly: I sensed something was wrong. A grandmother always knows.
Geoff: That's not an expression.
Beverly: Muriel's jammies would beg to differ.
Geoff: Oh, my God. Okay. No more bedazzling the baby. And I want to hold her.
Beverly: Yeah, now's not a good time.
Geoff: But you're holding her.
Beverly: Shh! You're upsetting her. And me. I think it's best you leave.
Geoff: Oh, I'm gonna leave, all right.

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