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Quote from Beverly in Jenkintown After Dark

Adam: [on the phone] Brea?
Brea: Adam? Hi! What's going on?
Beverly: [shouts] Ready on the set! And... action!
Adam: Uh, apparently, I'm still at work, which I forgot to mention. Can you hold on a sec? [covers phone] What the heck are you doing?
Beverly: Rounding up to make you sound more compelling! And... cut!
Brea: Wow. You're really doing the movie thing.
Adam: Yeah, I'm as surprised as you are.
Beverly: [deep voice] Hey, Adam, it's sultry actress Kathleen Turner.
Brea: Whoa! Kathleen Turner's in the movie, too?
Adam: Apparently, there must have been some recasting. I'll be with you in a minute, Ms. Turner!
Brea: You actually know her? She was in Romancing the Stone!
Adam: And now this for some reason.
Brea: Adam, I really need you to rewrite my lines. You're the only one who understands my voice.
Adam: [covers phone] Which is super breathy and so close to my face.
Beverly: Yeah.
Brea: Wow. Jessica Rabbit really seems to value your input.
Adam: Yeah. Be with you in a minute, KT!

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