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Quote from Mr. Glascott in One Exquisite Evening with Madonna

Mr. Glascott: But I need your help. There's this high-school couple that are both trying to get into Rutgers.
Geoff: What couple?
Mr. Glascott: Their names are Jeff and Erica.
Erica: They have the same names as us?
Mr. Glascott: Uh, no. His is Jeff with a "J," not an insane "G," like yours.
Geoff: What's happening?
Mr. Glascott: So, Jeff and Erica... not you... are very much in love, but they have an issue. It seems that Erica's kind of a sneaky pig, and J-Jeff is always having to mop up her sloppy-slop.
Erica: What does this have to do with Rutgers?
Mr. Glascott: Rutgers? Oh, yeah, Rutgers. Now, imagine you, Geoff and Erica, are Jeff and Erica. How would you two talk this out?
Erica: I probably wouldn't, because I haven't been following a single thing that you've said.

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