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Quote from Barry in The Downtown Boys

Naked Rob: Besides the lyrics and our voices, it was so great to groove with you guys.
Matt: I liked the little shuffle we did.
Andy: I liked the shuffle, too!
Naked Rob: My ankle's kinda blowing up now.
Barry: Jean, get on the phone, call Veterans Stadium.
Jean Calabasas: Why exactly would I do that?
Barry: 'Cause we're gonna need a venue that can hold all our screaming fans.
Jean Calabasas: You have half a song about a kind of controversial issue, and that guy is laying down.
Barry: You see it, too.
Jean Calabasas: Okay, I'll put you in our mall showcase with the other children, but it's gonna cost you another $99.
Barry: Boys, we have our manager, and he loves our sound.
Jean Calabasas: I got a dollar if you have $100.

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