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Quote from Barry in The Downtown Boys

Jean Calabasas: Brother, uh, private business meeting. I'm not comfortable with this.
John Calabasas: You want cash for culinary school, he wants to give it to you. Everybody wins, especially me.
Barry: I can hear you guys.
John Calabasas: And pretty soon, with my little bro's expensive guidance, America's gonna hear you on every radio station. I'm assuming you can sing and dance.
Barry: Obviously.
John Calabasas: Doesn't matter, but I knew it. So, as soon as that cash hits my hand, this guy is gonna jump aboard your rocket ship to fame and fortune.
Jean Calabasas: Rocket? I don't wanna get in any vehicle with this guy.
John Calabasas: And that's the kind of honest feedback you can expect from this mall's preeminent boy-band aficionado.
Barry: Take my father's money!

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