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Quote from Adam in The Steve Weekend

Lou Schwartz: I don't understand! Cousin Marlene is in the overflow room? She has a palsied foot!
Beverly: You like that? Well, wait till you see where I put your parents.
Lou Schwartz: The freight elevator, next to Great Uncle Yankel?
Beverly: You [bleep] with Bev, you get [bleep].
Adam: Okay, there's the low point.
Lou Schwartz: The wedding is off!
Adam: And yet lower we go.
Beverly: You can't call the wedding off because I'm calling it off.
Adam: Neither of you can call it off.
Beverly: Fine! The wedding is back on, but I will make sure it is terrible for you.
Lou Schwartz: Oh, you don't know terrible!
Adam: Trust me, no one knows terrible more than she does, man.

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