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Quote from Barry in The Kissing Bandits

Joanne: You think I would break up with you over this?
Barry: But it's the opposite of the me that you and the world have fallen in love with.
Joanne: You should be proud of all sides of your hot, bonkers self.
Barry: Really?
Joanne: Really.
Barry: Okay then. [mumbles] I love ice dancing.
Joanne: You don't need to mumble it. Say it loud, say it proud.
Barry: [normal voice] I love ice dancing.
Joanne: More. Make it uncomfortable.
Barry: [shouts] I love ice dancing!
Joanne: There you go!
Barry: Oh, my God.
Joanne: Yeah.
Barry: That feels so good! Joanne.
Joanne: Hmm?
Barry: You lifted a great weight from my super-jacked shoulders. [shouts in the hallway] I love ice dancing!

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