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Quote from Erica in Hip-Shaking and Booty-Quaking

Erica: Okay, so, what kind of sick bash should this be that we both definitely really want?
Geoff: So bad. And big. A big, bad one. Like, with games.
Erica: Games, for sure. Games would be... [Barry shakes his head] one idea. Not one that I would do.
Joanne: Maybe something more college. Right, Geoff?
Geoff: Right. Something more college. [Joanne mimes drinking] Water. Milkshakes. Beer. That's beer.
Erica: Yeah, like a few six-packs. [Barry holds up his fingers] 10-packs? [Barry grunts] 10 six-packs.
Geoff: That sounds perfect. And a big guy. Santa! Fun is always in season. [Joanne continues miming] That's a keg. That's what I meant.
Erica: Oh, yeah. I was gonna say keg. Like, one big old keg.
Barry: You'll need six kegs. Sorry, I didn't know how to indicate that.
Erica: If I know us and our many beer-guzzling pals, that's the right amount.

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