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Quote from Murray in A Light Thanksgiving Nosh

Joyce: Murray, what about you? Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions with your dad?
Murray: Well, let me think. Uh... no.
Joyce: I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?
Pop-Pop: No, no, no. Everything is peachy. That's Murray's dry sense of humor. He's... He's my funny boy.
Murray: Whatever this is, I hate it.
Pop-Pop: We have a lot of Thanksgiving traditions.
Murray: Oh, yeah?
Pop-Pop: We watch the football game together.
Murray: You mean you made me go in my room and listen to it on the radio.
Pop-Pop: So we could compare experiences after.
Murray: And after the game, you'd go for your cigar walk.
Pop-Pop: Well, sure. I couldn't smoke around Prince Murray and his asthma.
Murray: Another possibility? You're a liar.
Pop-Pop: And you were an annoying kid.
Murray: And there it is, anger, yelling, and pettiness, your real Thanksgiving tradition.

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