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Quote from Beverly in Bever-lé

Beverly: Good. Then I'll put you all down for our new Rose Petal Body Mist.
Virginia Kremp: Sorry, but I've reached my spending limit.
Linda Schwartz: Same. I don't want Lou to give me that unhappy look.
Beverly: I have a product that'll keep Lou so happy with your face, he'll forget all about your body.
Essie Karp: What's wrong with our bodies?
Beverly: Nothing that a super-secret product that only I have access to won't fix.
Virginia Kremp: We're not falling for that.
Linda Schwartz: What is it? Tell me!
Essie Karp: I, too, want to hear about the super-secret product!
Beverly: May I present Rolé-Polé.
Virginia Kremp: That kind of sounds like "roly-poly."
Beverly: I don't hear it. It's a new supplement designed to help you slim down without using an ounce of energy.
Virginia Kremp: I don't know, Beverly. There's an awful lot of weird ingredients in here. What's hummingbird extract?
Beverly: Relax. I wouldn't sell you anything I wouldn't take myself. Now, come on, let's all look years younger together.

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