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Quote from Barry in Love Triangle

Nancy Glass: Erica, why do you think Geoff asked the wrong person here today?
Erica: They watch your show together all the time. It's, like, their favorite thing.
Geoff: I love you, Erica, and I just wanted to share this experience with you.
Audience: Aw!
Barry: That love used to be for me.
Nancy Glass: Barry, let me take a stab at this. Do you suppress your feelings and then let them all out at once like an emotional volcano? [Barry sighs]
Erica: Holy crap, she's good.
Nancy Glass: What do you want to say to Geoff right now? Be honest, but be calm.
Barry: There's no one in the world I'd rather have date my sister.
Audience: Aw!
Barry: But you're still my best friend, and sometimes I want my special time with you.

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