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Quote from Murray in The Lasagna You Deserve

Murray: You know, when my kids went off to college, someone gave me a Penn sweatshirt, and I want to do the same for you.
Vic: What is this?
Formica Mike: Arizona State! Nice! America's number-one party school.
Vic: But Asha's going to Dartmouth.
Formica Mike: Swing and a miss. Those two institutions are not alike.
Vic: And I'm the one who gave you the Penn sweatshirt.
Murray: Are you sure?
Vic: Yeah, I'm sure!
Murray: [sighs] Vic, I'm trying here.
Vic: Oh, you're trying? What's my daughter's name? [Murray is stumped] Mmm-hmm. Exactly. And where's she going to college?
Formica Mike: Oh, come on! We just said it! You got this, Mur!
Murray: It starts with a "Z."
Vic: No school starts with "Z"! This is why I don't tell you anything, Mur, because you don't listen! And what's worse, you can't even pretend to care. [exits]
Formica Mike: It was Dartmouth. It's a good school. You know, Dr. Seuss went there.

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