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Quote from Adam in Bevy's Big Murder Mystery Party

Lou Schwartz: Sorry to interrupt, Boy Butler, but I'm not familiar with murder-mystery parties. What the hell is all this?
Adam: We would like all our guests to please refer to their dossiers.
Lou Schwartz: "Captain Eggnog. A war profiteer with a monocle and pipe." I-I didn't have any of that stuff.
Mr. Glascott: I'm Mr. Pistachio, a career diplomat who should wear a green blazer if you have it." [chuckles] Well, lucky for you, this is one of nine.
Dolores: I'm Miss Cabernet, "a bombshell babe in a yowza dress." [chuckles] How flattering.
Bill Lewis: And accurate. Wait. Adam, did you write that?
Adam: Assigned randomly.
Linda Schwartz: I'm Linda the housekeeper. And that's my name. And I am "foreign"? That's it?
Adam: To the dining room!

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