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Quote from Mr. Glascott in The Prettiest Boy in School

Mr. Glascott: Climb this rope.
Adam: How's a demonstration of my physical dominance gonna help?
Mr. Glascott: Humor me.
Adam: Whatever. See you at the top.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Sure, I'd never reached the top before, but this year was different. I'd come a long way from being an unathletic, scrawny geek. I could dominate this rope. I was a legend.
Adam: Am I there?
Mr. Glascott: You're right where you should be.
Adam: [falls to the floor] I don't get it. If I'm not ripped, why did the mailman say, "Looking good, little man"?
Mr. Glascott: Yeah, he's just a weirdo.

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