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Quote from Mr. Glascott in The Prettiest Boy in School

Adam: Wait, so if I'm not as buff and rad as I thought I was and I'm not a dork anymore, what am I?
Mr. Glascott: You're a little bit of everything.
Adam: Now I'm super confused.
Mr. Glascott: In high school, you feel like you can only be one thing or belong to one group. But as you get older, you can be lots of things to lots of people. And once you realize that, the whole world opens up for you.
Adam: So I can have cool friends and nerd friends?
Mr. Glascott: You can even have friends that are guidance counselors.
Adam: I'd like that. Thanks, John.
Mr. Glascott: Nope. Go back. That does not make my ears feel good.

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