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Quote from Barry in Island Time

Adult Adam: [v.o.] And so they clubbed. Deep down, Barry couldn't have fun. He hated watching his fake wife flirt.
Club DJ : Alright! How low can you go?
Barry: [sighs] I don't think I can go any lower.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Except he did. That night, Barry crushed the limbo contest.
Club DJ : We got ourselves a winner!
Adult Adam: [v.o.] But he sure didn't feel like it.
Barry: I need to say something. I came here to have the spring break of a lifetime, to party with my boys and hook up with girls. [cheering] No! No! Don't cheer that, because the sun, fun, and buns are meaningless, fleeting distractions.
Ren: Barry, what's going on?
Barry: What's going on is I felt something when we kissed, and I gotta know... did you feel something, too?
Ren: I'm sorry. I... I was just... having fun.
Club DJ : Ooh! She wasn't feeling it... but I feel something. Da, da, da beat! [cheering] [island music plays]

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