Quote from Adam in Island Time
Mr. Perott: Adam, let me ask you something... why NYU? Adam: The film program. It's top notch. Mr. Perott: Then you want to be a filmmaker? Well, then it's all good. Adam: Oh, great. I was starting to worry NYU wasn't an option. Mr. Perott: That's a good instinct, because you'll never get in there. But that's okay. Listen, college isn't always a necessity if you want to be a filmmaker. I bet a lot of your film heroes never even went to fancy film school. Adam: Heck, Tony Scott had a worthless art degree, and he made "Top Gun." Mr. Perott: There you go. Take the money you would've given to NYU and go make a movie. And put Bob Balaban in it. He's fantastic. Adam: I dunno. Mr. Perott: What about Hector Elizondo? Adam: No, they're both solid character actors that deserve their own thing, but I meant I don't know about skipping college.