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Quote from Murray in Dave Kim's Party

Murray: Excuse me. Where could a BevHead get their book signed?
Beverly: What are you doing here?
Murray: I came to support my beautiful wife.
Beverly: Even after the way I acted?
Murray: It wasn't your finest moment.
Beverly: I'm so sorry. I was just excited for you guys to finally be proud of me.
Murray: Are you kidding? We're always proud of you.
Erica: It's true, Mom. And you got a book published. That's not nothing.
Beverly: Yeah, a book nobody cares about.
Barry: We care about it.
Erica: And isn't that what's important, not some stupid table at Bookbinder's?
Murray: Here's the thing. You don't need the whole world to love you, because you got a world of love right here.
Beverly: Damn it, Murray! Why do you always say the perfect thing?
Murray: Because you make it easy. Hey! All you book dopes! Come on over here! My wife wrote an amazing cookbook!

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